
Effective Study Habits

Study habits effective, is essential in order to achieve a high GPA, and maintain. You, in order to be able to use the information learned in the novel configuration, more importantly, to study the help customs and effective to store information in long term storage. For the study, by applying the following rules, it will help you to get an excellent mark in school you.

Is: 1. Around your desk, I keep it properly is clean. When possible, area should also be quiet. If you are struggling to find a quiet place to study, you please try the local library and park. The library is a great place to have peace and tranquility. Park may not be quiet, but fresh air, you can too many for me to study the mind driving me crazy. If you can not use these options, while studying, please try listening to some music.

2. I have a learning time schedule of the 1st of each school. Please keep in mind that there is a need to be reinforced by two hours of study of the home at the time of one classroom it.

3. 15 minutes of rest, at 45-minute intervals followed, I sit down. , As well as is effective to enhance motivation, have a goal that can be achieved easily by sitting on the set during the time.

4. After you reward those cases, if you give only If you meet your goals for the study session. For example, if your system for you to be successful, it is planned to study the first chapter, it is recommended that you give yourself a reward by making things and fun. Examples of positive reinforcement is as follows. Food, exercise, and video games

5. I will make the correspondence between the class notes and textbooks. This will help you to fill in the background information of any that are not covered in the class.

6. I will prepare the questions about the chapter is discussed in the following classes. This will help you to identify the areas you do not understand.

7. Put the new concepts and words to be used. The more you use the information that I learned more and more, you will be to remember it probably more. This is especially true of the class of language.

8. Finally, please make sure that you have to study before going to bed only for you. You will find that you will remember the words very strongly the next morning.

Please do not: 1. The procrastination. Packing is not beneficial for the production of long-term memory.

2. To highlight it. Later, because I save a note taking for emphasis, I is a form of procrastination. This means that you need to use this instead of 1-2 times. It is possible it is possible to be in place and if necessary, to refer back to this, along with the page number and make a note of attention to classroom notes for your compliments.

3. Studies on the computer. You will think it is bound to you can check your email, and you want to surf the net.

4. I leave it to your cell phone during the study time. Regardless, in the case of a text message, or telephone, usually, it will be able to wait for 45 minutes. Having your cell phone during the learning time can be is not conducive to learning to be a major distraction.

5. Study after eating immediately. After the meal had been shown, thinking slow research it.

6. External space. When you begin to wander, I feel I remind myself to focus your mind. If you are reading, it is a good way to keep your mind on track by using your fingers. And movement, finger on the page, and then forces you to pay attention to what on what you are doing.

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