
How To Take Lecture Notes

We hope that you will be ranked right up there on the list of priorities to be sure, but can manage themselves, which means more than maintain good personal hygiene! No, by managing our own is to stay on the ball, what it means. I have a pretty good idea of ​​the location where the need to do to help you toward, what you get there.

In this case you are heading, is simple, you are towards the end of the semester. In the end, I'm toward the college degree of your then, you and, at the end of this year. Well, you do you need to what to do to get there? Well, so you can prepare for them, you need to know test is to be looming on the horizon of immediate and reading, paper, assigned. You need to brush up you have skills or to perform this task, a particular find. You need to know in order to where, to get what information and help, you need to know a couple of ground rules of basic academic skills you.

I take good lecture notes

If you do not have it already, because you are in need of it immediately, better, you can identify this skill immediately. Image: This again before you - because I was waiting to Goya, you vowed that you will change the way of procrastination, studying for a kind of angry test, or yourself anxiety are. Open your notebook, for the first time, you, please look at the lecture notes you really. "My God," you say in a loud voice, after a moment, realization hit severe "is a pathetic these!": "No, oh, I go to fail to start the dawn you something awful yo! "

Then, assuming it too and that we may be able to slow, you desperately you - yeah, yeah, you, next to knowing one from Kansas who knew the brother friend of Nick, the sister of the top In an attempt to recall the name of the girl sitting in, racking start when he was in college your brain feverishly. Maybe she took a better note, please tell us you yourself in panic.

Forget it. You're fate.

There are obvious, simple way to avoid this nightmare: take good notes.

it is not possible for you to escape the lecture. You will not be able to avoid it. Lecture is the most common form in the instruction in the university yet. As the need for caffeine tablets and 5 oxycodone hydrochloride extended-release, maybe, this is unavoidable, as of now - a fact of your life.

College student typical, sits literally hundreds of hours of lectures during the undergraduate career. Most students try to awake through these lectures in fact, tilt the life ear suspended life at most, to learn. And yet, few of relative only to develop the appropriate system for this to take a good lecture notes. On the other hand, many students to take horrible notes, wonder why they do not test well.

Fact: how to take good notes is essential to good academic progress

Of course, for taking lecture notes excellent there, whose perfect system, and there, everyone is developing a personal code of some abbreviations, pattern, in outline form almost. In spite of that, there are some general guidelines that allows you to take full advantage of the long lecture of them, to help production than taking your notebook.

• I will do the reading assigned in advance. Even if you do not have the time to study the material, you can, please try to read the night before the class of it at least. If you do not, you may have no clue regarding what you can note your just does not make any sense at all professor is talking. If, for example, lectures tomorrow of biology, and makes the reading assignment to handle the circulatory system, your instructor, so lost and apparently dazed by such words, you just do not sit there, use If it is in the wavelength on your teacher and your different significantly, if it's clear, you may become frustrated that you did not get it it (Note: as a "capillary" become familiar with the terminology and concepts that are This is bad for everyone, including your professor there.)

• Please get to class on time. In many cases, the professor will tell you your goal then, but I gives an overview of the lecture at the beginning of time. By providing for The Professor, answer questions and to clear the loose ends from the last time, you may want to start out. This is an important opportunity for you to clear any point you do not understand before. I will make the most of it.

• Please look for meaning. Through lectures, and trying to figure out the big picture. To keep you ask yourself: you are making this point why my professor? What, is this important? Recognizes that only lecture, it is not a description of the subject, it's the interpretation of Professor of why it is important that subject. You may not agree with this interpretation always, (for testing your next, if there is nothing) you need to know what it is, you will it to your notebook You must obtain a.

• Please ask for clues organization. Professor Some write out their lectures word for word, nothing has been written by others, do not speak completely from the cuff. Most, however, I speak from the outline notes. You can with a little practice, pick up Professor whether organized a lecture immediately. "The second reason for change, some" to hear or phrases such as or, "which is an important element of the third" lead-line of these teaching itself. "Is another consideration yet." I want to clarify something about the attitudes and thought patterns.

• Please do not try to write too much. Yourself instead of taking notes, if you find taking dictation, and get bogged down in detail perhaps, you'll miss the really important or what. Avoid trying to recapture the word of the sentence the word professor, unless you have a shorthand, you will be able to speak faster than you can write, perhaps he or she. Do you go to school to become a stenographer? It is not? Then, leaving the words and phrases of a little, we are focused on the big point. Lecturer seems important while presenting them, write down specific figures together the point as can be concise.

• you please understand the terminology. Each subject has its own terminology. In economics, for example, including GNP, cartel, marginal productivity, the equilibrium, some key terms is a whole new language most of it. These terms make sure that it is defined in your notes properly. If the professor is using unfamiliar words during a lecture, ask a question early for the sake of clarity.

• Do not let cool notes of your. This may be the most important tip of all. Lecture is finished, you take a few minutes to look through to what was written in order to make sure it makes sense. , To win, to complete the ideas that have been filled fragmented into space, it could be a summary of the two statements is also one key light one of the main points is this. The amount boring time for this when you are studying for the next test, you will pay off in the main street. Later, cold note in words or numbers that you have isolated does not mean absolutely nothing to you weeks to help at all during the test much aren't - note. Do you think you would remember, the four weeks from now you heard today? Believe me: you do not. And over time, to save the pain today tomorrow.

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